Fall is Dog Training Time!

I hope that you enjoyed plenty of summer fun and are ready to dive into Fall activities. So much has changed in the past year. The impact of the pandemic is easing up across the U.S. and Canada. Travel is once again on the rise, and daily life seems to be closer to resembling a new normal. The dog training business is busier than ever!

Sad News

Sadly, on September 8, 2022, one of the world’s pillars of strength, the longest reigning Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, passed away at the age of 96. She was steadfast in her service as Queen for more than seven decades. 

Dedication to Service

Although she was not born to be in line for the throne, she was thrust into the role of Queen when her father, King George VI died suddenly. As the new Queen, at the young age of 25, she pledged to dedicate her life “however long or short” to serving others. She epitomized the meaning of service, serving consistently, with dignity, wisdom, and compassion. Her selfless devotion to England and the world was unprecedented … and now she is gone.

The legacy of Queen Elizabeth II is a testimonial to an honourable life of service – like a beloved family member. It seems that she was always present during times of celebration and crisis. She could be relied on in much the same way that you could count on your grandmother or favourite aunt. Her calm voice and genuine warmth instilled a sense of safety and predictability to help the world move forward. 

This week, I have been thinking about how the Queen’s dedication to service is similar to the dog training profession. As a responsible dog owner, training your dog demonstrates your commitment to providing the best life for your dog. Furthermore, when you seek professional dog training help, your trainer will commit to serving both you and your dog to achieve your goals! 

Inspiration in Dog Training 

My inspiration in dog training is connecting with owners and their dogs to influence their transformation from chaos to calm. Watching ‘the lights come on’– that moment when both dog and owner ‘get it and chaos transcends to calm. That’s the element of dog training that ignites my passion! In addition, the knowledge, skills and abilities that you get will serve you well beyond training with your dog! 

Our dogs are ‘all in’ with us. They count on us to provide what they need for physical and mental well-being – to have their back when needed. By committing to training your dog, you are committing to learning, leading and providing for their wellbeing. By being ‘all in’ with dog training, you learn how to meet your dog’s needs and positively influence behaviour. In turn, your dog will give you a lifetime of selfless devotion. With dog training, your knowledge expands, your heart grows bigger, and you get a calm dog and unconditional love in return. What a great deal!

Dog Training Defined

The Queen was an avid dog lover. Her influence on humanity is similar to what we strive for with our dogs.  We serve our dog family best when we include them in our daily lives. As their leaders we are strong, nurturing, quietly present, and predictable that’s what defines dog training. 

By simply being there for so long, the Queen transcended being a Monarch and had some sort of deep position in much of the world’s psyche. Dog training is your commitment to being there for your dog, in a way that integrates their lives with yours. By living a training life, you take on a meaningful position in your dog’s psyche.

The Great Payback

When ‘your time comes, throngs of people may not line up for several hours to get a glimpse of your coffin. However, the payback for your commitment to training your dog is a dog that trusts, respects and is devoted to you.

Dog training is not that complicated. Be your best self, and live a daily life of inclusion with your dog.  Be calm and put your ego aside and enjoy a rewarding life with your dog

Just for You 

I have created an article just for you to learn more about dog training and effective leadership with your dog. Please click here to download your free PDF. 

Have a pawsitively great day with your dogs!

P.S. If you could ask just one question that would help you to effortlessly train your dog, what would it be? Send me an email at karen@ontariodogtrainer.com and let me know!

P.S.S Are you passionate about helping others? Would you be excited to earn an income doing dog training? We are currently accepting applications for our Dog Trainer Academy. Click here to learn more or to apply https://ontariodogtrainer.com/dog-trainer-academy/ 


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