Five Ways to Be Your Dog’s Hero

Be Your Dog’s Hero Your relationship with your dog is the primary influence on building your bond together. Earning your dog’s trust will motivate him or her to want to learn from you. When trust is earned, learning will happen. Before asking your dog to ‘do’ a...

Here is a Secret You Need to Know

The crisp Fall days are behind us and the darkness of winter is descending upon us. As the days get colder and shorter, do you find that you feel less like walking your dog? Are there times when taking your dog for a walk seems more like a chore than a joy?  Here’s a...

Dog Training – From Chaos to Calm

Fall is Dog Training Time! I hope that you enjoyed plenty of summer fun and are ready to dive into Fall activities. So much has changed in the past year. The impact of the pandemic is easing up across the U.S. and Canada. Travel is once again on the rise, and daily...
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