by Karen | May 24, 2024 | Dog Behavior
Dog bites are a serious issue that can cause significant injury and distress. According to the Humane Society of Canada, a Canadian experiences a dog bite every 60 seconds. The Humane Society of the United States reports more than 4.5 million Americans are bitten by...
by Karen | Feb 7, 2024 | Dog Behavior
It’s no secret that dogs thrive in a family group with predictable routines and a consistent leader. They are always watching for who is in charge. They miss nothing. LIVING IN HARMONY with your dog is a two-way endeavour. Your role is to be fair, consistent...
by Karen | Jan 26, 2023 | Dog Behavior
Is adopting a dog on your list of goals for 2023? Perhaps you recently adopted a dog to keep you company while you work from home. Every dog regardless of age goes through a honeymoon phase with its new owners. Where are you at with the honeymoon period with your...
by Karen | Jan 18, 2023 | Dog Behavior, Dog Training
Be Your Dog’s Hero Your relationship with your dog is the primary influence on building your bond together. Earning your dog’s trust will motivate him or her to want to learn from you. When trust is earned, learning will happen. Before asking your dog to ‘do’ a...
by Karen | Oct 31, 2022 | Dog Behavior, Pet Well-Being
A Dog Trainer’s Life Stuff often happens as a regular part of a dog trainer’s day. Generally, we simply deal with it and move on. We never think about sharing the experience because we believe that we could or should have done better. However, there are...
by Karen | Aug 22, 2022 | Dog Behavior
As the warm weather approaches and you prepare to head to the Dog Park for a romp with your furry pal, here are five tips to help you and your dog to enjoy the Pawty! STICK TO A DAILY ROUTINE! People and dogs are creatures of habit. Taking your dog to the park at the...