Door Manners – The FRUIT GAME

Introduction Door passage is the most basic act of bringing your dog into the real world. It’s something we do every day, thousands of times a year. Plenty of training (or chaos) can happen at the door! Wouldn’t it be a comfort to know that your dog will never...

Top Tips to Potty Train Your Puppy!

Getting Started Potty training your puppy can be easy when you follow a few simple steps. Puppies will want to pee and poop wherever they have done so before. Initially, they will not automatically go to your door and ‘ask’ to go outside. How quickly they learn to go...


So … you have a new dog or puppy and are excited to get to the ‘best dog ever’ part! Have you read all about raising a puppy or training a new dog? Are you still confused? Just when you think that you have this ‘training thing’ figured...

Potty Train Your Puppy in Three Easy Steps

Are you planning on adding a new puppy to your family soon?  The most common question that people have when adding a new puppy to their family is “what is the first thing that I should teach my puppy?” There are many “first things” that are...
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